Biodiversity Informatics

Through Tracsis Geo Intelligence’ work for biodiversity organisations, a solutions platform has been built leveraging the data management, analytics and data science, sharing and reporting skills of the team.

A comprehensive biodiversity infrastructure

Underpinning the delivery by Tracsis Geo Intelligence of the National Biodiversity Data Centre’s work programme, and the range of services that it provides is a state-of-the-art bioinformatics infrastructure developed and maintained by the team. This infrastructure supports the full information cycle from data management, through publication and coordination, to reporting on biodiversity data and information.

This has been invested in and developed as important national infrastructure and is offered by way of shared-services to partner organisations, from both the public and private sectors, to assist their own biodiversity data management needs.

Data capture through to visualisation & analysis

The different elements of the bioinformatics infrastructure is described in the graphic but includes citizen science tools to support engagement and biodiversity records generation, data validation tools, biodiversity indicators development and sharing, and comprehensive data and metadata access.